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Read all about Christopher Bell with TV Guide's exclusive biography including their list of awards, celeb facts and more at TV Guide. A táncosnő Lisa Capuano és a fogorvos Rob Evans fia. A rip-roaring, hilarious alternate-history adventure starring the world's most famous inventors-and its most forgotten. He was arrested at the end of the fourth season for turning the island into a highly-contaminated toxic waste dump. The actor who played the washed-up pop idol in the 2003 film Love Actually. Born on, 1982, Christopher Bell hails from Ontario, Canada. Christopher Walken, 76, feels scarred from a popular 'Saturday Night Live' cowbell skit he was part of in 2000.

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Birthday: Febru( Pisces) Born In: Los Angeles, California, United States. marts 1986) er en engelsk skuespiller og danser, der fik sit gennembrud for sin debutrolle i filmen Billy Elliot (2000). Boyish tough guy actor Christopher George was born to Greek immigrants in Royal Oak Michigan on February 25th 1929.

View over 170,000 celebrity biographies, interesting facts and stats. Chris McLean is the host and the main antagonist of Total Drama. As in 2022, Christopher Bell's age is 40 years.

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